afficticia Heinrich, 1926 (Aphania), Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. 132: 118. TL: USA, "New Hampshire, Coos Co., Mount Washington". Holotype: AMNH. male.
albeolana Zeller, 1875 (Penthina), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 25: 262. TL: USA, Massachusetts. Holotype: BMNH. male.
algidana Krogerus, 1945 (Apotomis), Notulae Ent. 25: 148. TL: Finland, Kuusama. Syntypes: EMUH. "male, female".
apateticana McDunnough, 1922 (Argyroploce), Can. Ent. 54: 168. no type
deceptana McDunnough, 1922 (Argyroploce), Can. Ent. 54: 42. TL: Canada. "Ontario, Ottawa". Holotype: CNC. male.
basipunctana Walsingham, 1900 (Argyroploce), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)6: 236 TL: Japan, Holotype: BMNH. female.
betuletana Haworth, 1811 (Tortrix), Lepid. Br. (3): 432. TL: United Kingdom, England (Coomb Wood) [United Kingdom]. Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
betulaetana Stephens, 1852 (Apotomis), List Specimens Br. Anim. Colln. Br. Mus 10: 26. no type
leucomelana Guenee, 1845 (Penthina), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 3: 152. TL: France. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
biemina Kawabe, 1980 (Apotomis), Tinea 11: 18. TL: Japan, "Honshu, Miyagi Prefecture, T gatta". Holotype: USNM. male. 
bifida McDunnough, 1938 (Aphania), Can. Ent. 70: 93. TL: Canada, "Ontario, Ottawa, Mer Bleue". Holotype: CNC. male.
boreana Krogerus, 1945 (Apotomis sororculana form), Notulae Ent. 25: 145. TL: Finland, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
brevicornutana McDunnough, 1938 (Aphania), Can. Ent. 70: 95. TL: Canada, "Quebec, Bonne-Esprance". Holotype: CNC. male.
capreana Hubner, [1817] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. "7: pl. 40, fig. 250." TL: Europe, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
sapporensis Matsumura, 1931 (Argyroploce capreana form), 6000 Illust. Insects Japan-Empire : 1062 TL: Japan / Sakhalin. Syntype(s): EIHU. unknown. [lost]
coloradensis Adamski in Adamski & Peters, 1986 (Apotomis), Can. Ent. 118: 662. TL: USA, "Colorado, Chaffee Co., Maysville". Holotype: USNM. male. 
cuphostra Butler, 1879 (Penthina), Illust. typical Specimens Lepid. Heterocera Colln. Br. Mus 3: 80. TL: Japan, "Honshu, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama HT:". Holotype: BMNH. unknown.
maenamii Kawabe, 1974 (Olethreutes), Ty to Ga 25: 102. TL: Japan. "Tokyo Prefecture, Izu Islands, Shikinejima Island". Holotype: USNM. male. 
davisi Kawabe, 1993 (Apotomis), Tinea 13: 228. TL: Taiwan, "Nantou Hsien, Mei-feng, 30 km S Tayuling". Holotype: USNM. male. 
deceptana Kearfott, 1905 (Olethreutes), Can. Ent. 37: 41. TL: Canada, "Manitoba, Aweme". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
salicaceana Freeman, 1957 (Aphania), Lepid. News 11: 27. TL: Canada. "Alberta, Red Deer". Holotype: CNC. male.
demissana Kennel, 1901 (Penthina), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (1900): 248. TL: Norway, Dovre. Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
flavifasciana Kawabe, 1976 (Olethreutes), Tinea 10: 47. TL: Japan, "Honshu, Gunma Prefecture, Kuridaira". Holotype: USNM. female. 
formalis "Meyrick, in Caradja & Meyrick", 1935 (Polychrosis), Mat. Microlepid. Fauna Chin. Prov. : 57. TL: China, "Chekiang Province, West Tien-Mu-shan". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
fraterculana Krogerus, 1945 (Apotomis), Notulae Ent. 25: 146. TL: Finland, "Lps,Ylaluostari; Ok, Suomussalmi". Syntypes: KARVC: male; EMUH: female. "male, female".
frigidana Packard, 1866 (Penthina), Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 11: 57. TL: Canada, Labrador. Lectotype: MCZ. male.
moeschleri Kennel, 1901 (Penthina), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (1900): 249. TL: Canada. Lectotype: MNHU. female.
funerea Meyrick, 1920 (Argyroploce), Exotic Microlepid. 2: 350. TL: Canada, "Ontario, Toronto". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
youngana McDunnough, 1922 (Argyroploce), Can. Ent. 54: 41. TL: Canada. "Quebec, Meach Lake". Holotype: CNC. male.
fuscomaculata Kawabe, 1993 (Apotomis), Tinea 13: 230. TL: Taiwan, "Taipei Hsien, Chihsingshan, ca. 10 air km N Taipei". Holotype: USNM. male.
geminata Walsingham, 1900 (Aphania), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)6: 237 TL: Japan, Kyushu. Lectotype: BMNH. male.
generosa Meyrick, 1909 (Argyroploce), J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 19: 594. TL: India, "Assam, Khasi Hills". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
infida Heinrich, 1926 (Aphania), Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. 132: 121. TL: Canada, "Quebec, St. Johns Co., St. Thrse Island". Holotype: USNM. male. 
inundana [Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775 (Tortrix), Syst. Verz. Schmett. Wienergegend :132 TL: Austria, Vienna. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
jucundana Kawabe, 1984 (Apotomis), Tinea 11: 183. TL: Japan, "Honshu, Yamanashi Prefecture, Kiyosato". Holotype: USNM. unknown. [lost]
kazarmana Falkovitsh, 1966 (Apotomis), Trud. Zool. Inst. Leningrad 37: 212. TL: Kyrgyzstan, Kirgizstan) [Kyrgyzstan]. Holotype: ZISP. male.
kusunokii Kawabe, 1993 (Apotomis), Ty to Ga 43: 257. TL: Japan, "Hokkaido, Mt.Daisetsu, Keunshita". Holotype: USNM. male. 
lacteifacies Walsingham, 1900 (Argyroploce), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)6: 236 TL: Japan, Honshu Kanagawa Prefecture. Holotype: BMNH. male.
lemniscatana Kennel, 1901 (Penthina), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (1900): 250. TL: Norway, Alten. Holotype: MNHU. male.
lineana [Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775 (Tortrix), Syst. Verz. Schmett. Wienergegend : 131. TL: Austria, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
hartmanniana Linnaeus, 1761 (Phalaena (Tortrix)), Fauna Svecica (2nd ed.) : 345. TL: Sweden. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
mienshani Caradja, 1939 (Tortrix), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 53: 11. TL: China. "Shansi Province, Mien-Shan". Holotype: MGAB. male.
scriptana Hubner, [1796-1799] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. "7: pl. 17, fig. 110." TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
lutosana Kennel, 1901 (Penthina), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (1900): 247. TL: Turkestan, "Fergania, Margellan". Lectotype: MNHU. unknown.
moestana Wocke, 1862 (Penthina), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 23: 52. TL: Finland, "Lapland, Bossekop". Lectotype: ZISP. unknown.
sauteriana Nolcken, 1870 (Penthina), Arb. Naturf.-Ver. Riga 3: 396. TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
monotona Kuznetzov, 1962 ("Argyroploce, Apotomis"), Trud. Zool. Inst. Leningrad 30: 340. TL: Russia, Holotype: ZISP. male.
paludicolana Brower, 1953 (Aphania), Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 46: 95. TL: USA, "Maine, Hancock Co., Southwest Harbor". Holotype: USNM. male. [lost]
platycremna "Meyrick, in Caradja & Meyrick", 1935 (Argyroploce), Mat. Microlepid. Fauna Chin. Prov. : 61. TL: China, West Tien-Mu-Shan. Holotype: BMNH. male.
removana Kearfott, 1907 (Olethreutes), Trans. Am. ent. Soc 33: 15. TL: USA, "Pennsylvania, New Brighton". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
dextrana McDunnough, 1923 (Aphania), Can. Ent. 54: 165. TL: Canada. "Ontario, Ottawa". Holotype: CNC. male.
sauciana Frolich, 1828 (Tortrix), Enum. Tortr. Wrtemberg : 53. TL: Germany, Wrtemburg. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
grevillana Curtis, 1835 (Penthina), Br. Ent. 6: folio 567. TL: United Kingdom. Great Britain. Syntype(s): DEMV. unknown.
kalaivamara Obraztsov, 1943 (Aphania sororculana ssp.), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 33: 100. TL: Russia. "Pamir Mountains, Kala-i-Vamar". Holotype: ZMKU. male.
staintoniana Barrett, 1872 (Antithesia), Ent. mon. Mag. 9: 127. TL: United Kingdom. England (Perthshire) [United Kingdom]. Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
semifasciana Haworth, 1811 (Tortrix), Lepid. Br. (3): 431. TL: United Kingdom, Great Britain. Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
acutana Treitschke, 1835 (Tortrix), Schmett. Eur. 10 (3): 68. TL: Germany. Syntype(s): TMB. unknown.
elutana "Duponchel, in Godart", 1836 (Sericoris), Hist. nat. Lpid. Papillons Fr. 9: 530. TL: Switzerland. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
sororculana Zetterstedt, 1839 (Penthina), Insecta Lapponica Descripta : 977. TL: Sweden, Lappland [Norway/Sweden]. Syntype(s): UZIL. unknown.
praelongana Guenee, 1845 (Penthina), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 3: 152. TL: France. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
spinulana McDunnough, 1938 (Aphania), Can. Ent. 70: 93. TL: Canada, "Manitoba, Churchill". Holotype: CNC. male.
spiraeana "Kuznetzov, in Danilevsky, Kuznetzov & Falkovitsh", 1962 (Argyroploce), Trud. Inst. Zool. Alma Ata 18: 87. TL: Kazakhstan, Holotype: ZISP. unknown.
spurinfida Adamski in Adamski & Peters, 1986 (Apotomis), Can. Ent. 118: 668. TL: USA, "California, Nevada Co., Sagehen, near Hobart Hills". Holotype: EME. male.
stagnana Kuznetzov, 1962 (Apotomis), Bull. Soc. ent. Mulhouse 1962: 49. TL: Russia, Primorsky Krai. Holotype: ZISP. unknown.
tertiana McDunnough, 1922 (Argyroploce), Can. Ent. 54: 42. TL: Canada, "Ontario, Ottawa". Holotype: CNC. male.
strigosa Heinrich, 1926 (Aphania), Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. 132: 118. TL: USA. "Alaska, Yukon, Dawson". Holotype: USNM. male. 
trifida Adamski in Adamski & Peters, 1986 (Apotomis), Can. Ent. 118: 666. TL: USA, "Washington, Ferry Co., Sherman Pass". Holotype: USNM. male. 
trigonias Diakonoff, 1973 (Apotomis), Zool. Monogr. Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. 1: 470. TL: Indonesia, "East Java, Tengger Mountains, Nongkodjadjar, Mt. Toenggangan". Holotype: NCB. male.
turbidana Hubner, [1825] 1816 (Apotomis), Verz. bekannter Schmett. : 380. TL: Europe, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
corticana Hubner, [1796-1799] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. "7: pl. 3, fig. 13." TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
pictana Frolich, 1828 (Tortrix), Enum. Tortr. Wrtemberg : 49. TL: Germany. Wrtemburg. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
vaccinii Kuznetzov, 1969 (Apotomis), Ent. Obozr. 48: 354. TL: Russia, "Kuril Islands, Kunashir Island, near Sernovodsk". Holotype: ZISP. female.
vigens Falkovitsh, 1966 (Apotomis), Trud. Zool. Inst. Leningrad 37: 214. TL: Russia, Far East. Holotype: ZISP. female.