aestiva Walsingham, 1900 (Phalonia), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)6: 445 TL: Syria, "Haleb, Shar Devesy". Holotype: BMNH. female.
aethoclasma Diakonoff, 1976 (Cochylis), Zool. Verh. Leiden 144: 7. TL: Nepal, "Kathmandu, Chauni". Holotype: ZSM. female.
amoenana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 26. TL: Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan (Samarkand Oblast). Lectotype: MNHU. male.
apricana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 27. TL: Russia. "Caucasus, Achalzich". Holotype: ZSM. male.
anerista Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 291. TL: Mexico, "Puebla, 2 mi SW Tehuacan". Holotype: EME. female.
argentinana Razowski, 1967 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 12: 202 TL: Argentina, Alto Garcia. Holotype: BMNH. male.
arthuri Dang, 1984 (Cochylis), Can. Ent. 116: 253. TL: Canada, "Saskatchewan, SE Saskatoon". Holotype: USNM. male.
atricapitana Stephens, 1852 (Eupoecilia), List Specimens Br. Anim. Colln. Br. Mus 10: 80. TL: United Kingdom, England [United Kingdom]. Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
aurorana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 83. TL: USA, "New Jersey, Essex County Park". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
avita Razowski, 1997 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 40: 133 TL: Canada, "Ontario, Port Colborne". Holotype: CNC. male.
brownana Metzler & Forbes, 2012 (Cochylis), Zootaxa 3444: 52. TL: USA, "New Mexico, Otero Co., White Sands National Monument". Holotype: USNM. male.
bucera Razowski, 1997 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 40: 136 TL: Canada, "Ontario, Vineland Station". Holotype: CNC. male.
campuloclinium Brown, 2006 (Cochylis), Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 108: 899. TL: Argentina, 23 km E Itaibate. Holotype: SAMC. male. [lost]
carmelana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 76. TL: USA, "California, Carmel". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
obispoana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia carmelana var.), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 77. TL: USA. "California, San Luis Obispo". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
cataphracta Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2006 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 34: 42. TL: Venezuela, "Cordillera de Merida, Merida, Monte Zerpa". Holotype: MZUJ. female.
caulocatax Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Ann. Zool. 38: 278. TL: Venezuela, "Bolivar, Morichal Tauca, 22 km E Ro Caura". Holotype: USNM. male.
defessana Mann, 1861 (Cochylis), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 5: 185. TL: Turkey, Amasia. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
centaureana Staudinger, 1880 (Cochylis), Horae ent. Soc. Ross. 15(1879): 247. TL: Turkey. Kleinasien [Turkey] (Kerasdere). Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
discerta Razowski, 1970 (Cochylis), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 431. TL: Mongolia, "Cantral [Tov] Province, 11 km S Zosijn Davaa Pass". Holotype: MGAB. male.
disputabilis Walsingham, 1914 (Phalonia), Biol. Centr.-Am. Lepid. Heterocera 4: 295. TL: Mexico, "Guerrero, Omilteme". Holotype: BMNH. female.
dormitoria Razowski, 1997 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 40: 134 TL: Canada, "Ontario, Merivale". Holotype: CNC. male.
dubitana Hubner, [1796-1799] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. 7: pl. 12fig. 71. TL: Europe, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
ambiguana Frolich, 1828 (Tortrix), Enum. Tortr. Wrtemberg : 53. TL: Germany. Wrtemberg. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
baseirufana Bruand, 1850 (Lobesia), Mm. Soc. Ent. Doubs (1847): 99 (1) 3 TL: France. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
islandicana Bjornsson, 1968 (Cochylis), Arsber. Skogsins 1968: 24. TL: Iceland. raefum and Hreoarvatn. Syntypes (2): Unknown. unknown.
epilinana "Duponchel, in Godart", 1842 (Cochylis), Hist. nat. Lpid. Papillons Fr. (Suppl.) 4: 177. TL: Germany, Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
carpophilana Staudinger, 1859 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 20: 228. TL: Spain. "Andalusia, Chiclana". Holotype: ZSM. male.
epiliana Svensson, 1966 (Cochylis), Opusc. Ent. 31: 184. no type
erromena Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 289. TL: Mexico, "Guerrero, Taxco". Holotype: EME. female.
eupacria Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 284. TL: Mexico, "Nuevo Leon, 4 mi W Iturbide". Holotype: EME. male.
eureta Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 290. TL: Mexico, "Durango, 4 mi W El Palmito". Holotype: EME. female.
eutaxia Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 290. TL: Mexico, "Baja California, Arroyo Catavina, 5 mi S El Progresso". Holotype: EME. female.
eutheta Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 283. TL: Mexico, "Veracruz, Fortn de la Flores". Holotype: EME. male.
exomala Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 281. TL: Mexico, "Puebla, 7 km SE Morelos". Holotype: EME. male.
faustana Kennel, 1919 (Phalonia), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8: 73. TL: [Russia], Dscharkent [Russia] Illi-Gebiet. Lectotype: MNHU. male.
fidens Razowski & Becker, 2002 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 45: 306 TL: Brazil, "Minas Gerais, Nova Lima". Holotype: VBC. male.
flabilis Razowski, 1993 (Cochylis), Polskie Pismo Ent. 62: 123. TL: Mexico, "Baja California Sur, 16.3 mi NE El Arco". Holotype: SDNH. female.
flaviciliana "Westwood, in Wood", 1854 (Eupoecilia), Index Ent (2nd ed.) : 281. TL: United Kingdom, "England (Darenth Wood, Sanderstead, and near Dea) [United Kingdom]". Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
formonana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 81. TL: USA, "California, San Luis Obispo". Lectotype: AMNH. female.
myrinitis Meyrick, 1912 (Phalonia), Ent. mon. Mag. 48: 35 no type
fusca Pogue, 2001 (Rolandylis), Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 103: 792. TL: USA, "Illinois, Putnam Co.". Holotype: USNM. male.
heratana Razowski, 1967 (Cochylis), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 107. TL: Afghanistan, Herat. Holotype: LNK. female.
heratna Razowski, 1968 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 13: 136 no type
hoffmanana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23: 162. TL: USA, "North Carolina, Black Mountains". Lectotype: AMNH. female.
baryzela Meyrick, 1912 (Phalonia), Ent. mon. Mag. 48: 35 no type
hofmanana Razowski, 1997 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 40(1): 131 no type
magnaedoeagana Gibeaux, 1985 (Cochylis), Ent. Gall. 1: 348. TL: France. "Pyrnes-Orientales, Alenya, tang de Saint-Nazaire". Holotype: CGAC. male.
marloffiana Busck, 1907 (Phalonia), J. New York ent. Soc. 15: 26. TL: USA. "Pennsylvania, Oak Station". Holotype: USNM. female. 
nonlavana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 85. TL: USA. Pennsylvania. Lectotype: AMNH. male.
telifera Meyrick, 1912 (Phalonia), Ent. mon. Mag. 48: 35 no type
toxcana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 85. TL: USA. "New Jersey, Essex County Park". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
zoxcana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 86. TL: USA. "Ohio, Cincinnati". Syntype(s): AMNH: 1. unknown.
hospes Walsingham, 1884 (Conchylis), Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1884: 131. TL: USA, North Carolina. Holotype: BMNH. male.
hybridella Hubner, [1810-1813] (Tinea), Samml. Eur. Schmett. "8: pl. 51, fig. 351." TL: Germany, Posnan. Holotype: BMNH. unknown.
carduana Zeller, 1847 (Cochylis), Isis von Oken (Leipzig) 1847 (10): 741. TL: Poland. Posen. Holotype: BMNH. male.
clarana Caradja, 1916 (Conchylis dubitana var.), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 30: 52. TL: Russia. "Primorsky Krai, Kasakewitsch [Kaza-kevich". Lectotype: MGAB. male.
dissolutana Herrich-Schaffer, 1847 (uninomial), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. "4: pl. 12, fig. 83." no type
subvittana Staudinger, 1892 (Grapholitha carduana ?var.), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 5: 299. TL: Spain. Barcelona and Italy Sardinia. Holotype: MNHN. male.
indica Razowski, 1968 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 13: 144 TL: Pakistan, Khyra Gully. Holotype: BMNH. male.
insipida Razowski, 1990 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 18: 342. TL: Mexico, "Baja California Sur, Las Barrancas, ca. 30 km E Santiago". Holotype: EME. female.
laetana Razowski, 1968 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 13: 139 TL: India, "Assam, Khasis". Holotype: BMNH. male.
lutosa Razowski, 1967 (Cochylis), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 107. TL: Afghanistan, Panjao. Holotype: LNK. male.
maestana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 32. TL: Iran, NE Iran (Shah-Kuh). Holotype: MNHU. male.
suleimana Osthelder, 1938 (Euxanthis), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 28: 26. TL: Iran. Hecercal-Tal. Holotype: Unknown. male.
maiana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 82. TL: USA, "New Jersey, Essex County Park". Lectotype: USNM. male. 
catalonica Gibeaux, 1985 (Rolandylis), Ent. Gall. 1: 350. TL: France. "Pyrenees-Orientales, Alenya, etang de Saint-Nazaire". Holotype: ROBIC. male.
methoeca Razowski & Becker, 1986 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 29: 466 TL: Mexico, "Veracruz, Huatusco". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
militariana Derra, 1992 (Cochylis), Atalanta 21 (1990): 299. TL: Turkey, "Mardin Province, 21 km E Viransehir, Buyuk-Trockental, Sogukkuyu". Holotype: DERRC. male.
molliculana Zeller, 1847 (Cochylis), Isis von Oken (Leipzig) 1847 (10): 743. TL: Italy, Sicily. Holotype: BMNH. male.
calavrytana Rebel, 1906 (Conchylis), Berl. Ent. Z. 50: 304. TL: Greece. "Greece (Morea, Kalavryta, Peloponnes)". Lectotype: NHMV. male.
rufosignana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 21. TL: Spain. "Andalusia, Chiclana". Lectotype: MNHU. male.
morosana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 19. TL: Central Asia, Central Asia (Usgent). Holotype: MNHU. female.
subobscurana Kennel, 1900 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13: 129. TL: Central Asia. Central Asia (Puli Hatum). Lectotype: ZISP. male.
mystes Razowski, 1990 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 18: 341. TL: Mexico, "Guerrero, 32 km W Iguala". Holotype: EME. male.
obtrusa Razowski & Becker, 1983 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 26: 436 TL: Brazil, "Paran, Morro de Meio, So Jos dos Pinhais". Holotype: MNRJ. female.
pallidana Zeller, 1847 (Cochylis), Isis von Oken (Leipzig) 1847 (10): 742. TL: Germany, Lectotype: BMNH. male.
albicapitana Cooke, 1861 (Eupoecilia), Zoologist 19: 780 TL: Ireland. Hill of Howth and Cheshire coast. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
dolosana Kennel, 1901 (Conchylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 234. TL: Greece. Greece. Holotype: MNHU. male.
glaseri Kasy, 1972 (Cochylis), Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 76: 737. TL: Turkey. "Bithynien, western Istanbul". Holotype: NHMV. male.
parallelana Walsingham, 1879 (Cochylis), Illust. typical Specimens Lepid. Heterocera Colln. Br. Mus 4: 28. TL: USA, "California, Lake Co.". Lectotype: BMNH. male. 
paralellana Razowski, 1964 (Cochylis), Ann. Zool. 22: 377. no type
philypna Razowski & Becker, 1994 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 22: 41. TL: Brazil, "Minas Gerais, Sete Lagoas". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
piana Kennel, 1919 (Phalonia), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8: 75. TL: [Russia], Dscharkent [Russia] Ili-Gebiet. Holotype: ZSM. male.
pamira Obraztsov, 1943 (Pontoturania), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 33: 96. TL: Russia. "Pamirs, Chorog". Lectotype: ZMKU. male.
pseudefessana Razowski, 1963 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 275 Syntypes: Unknown. 8 males.
subposterana Toll, 1948 (Phalonia), Z. Wien. ent. Ges. 32 (1947): 112. TL: Iran. Kuh i Mirabi-Gebirge. Lectotype: ISEZ. male.
posterana Zeller, 1847 (Cochylis), Isis von Oken (Leipzig) 1847 (10): 740. TL: Hungary, Holotype: BMNH. male.
collaterana Seebold, 1879 (Conchylis posterana var.), Ann. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat. 8: 119. TL: Spain. "Bilbao, Brussa". Holotype: MNCNM. female.
cuerana Chretien, 1925 (Conchylis), Amat. Papillons 2: 244. TL: Spain. San Ildefonso. Holotype: MNHN. male.
hyrcana Toll, 1948 (Phalonia posterana ssp.), Z. Wien. ent. Ges. 32 (1947): 112. TL: Iran. Kuh i Mirabi-Gebirge. Lectotype: ISEZ. male.
losterana Seebold, 1879 (Conchylis), Ann. Soc. Espa. Hist. Nat. 8: 119. no type
minorana Prittwitz, 1845 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 6: 246. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
nigrociliana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 40. TL: Spain. "Andalusia, Grenada". Holotype: MNHU. female.
nubivagana Zerny, 1935 (Phalonia), Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc 42: 132. TL: Morocco. "Atlas Mountains, Tizi'n Tachdirt". Holotype: NHMV. male.
potrerillana Razowski, 1999 (Cochylis), Polskie Pismo Ent. 68: 67. TL: Mexico, "Sinaloa, 2 mi SW Potrerillos". Holotype: EME. male.
psychrasema Meyrick in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937 (Phalonia), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 51: 171. TL: China, "Yunnan Province, Likiang". Lectotype: BMNH. female.
ringsi Metzler, 2000 (Cochylis), Great Lakes Ent. 32: 191. TL: USA, "Indiana, Newton Co., 416.42'N, 8726.25'W, Conrad Savanna". Holotype: USNM. male. 
rosaria Razowski & Becker, 1993 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 21: 236. TL: Mexico, "Guerrero, Villa Ayala". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
roseana Haworth, 1811 (Tortrix), Lepid. Br. (3): 401. TL: United Kingdom, Great Britain. Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
dipsaceana "Duponchel, in Godart", 1842 (Cochylis), Hist. nat. Lpid. Papillons Fr. (Suppl.) 4: 178. TL: France. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
rubellana Hubner, 1823 (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett 7: pl. 46 figs. 285-287. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
undulatana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 28. TL: Croatia. Dalmatia [Croatia]. Lectotype: MNHU. male.
sagittigera Razowski & Becker, 1983 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 26: 435 TL: Brazil, "Mato Grosso, Rio Brilhante". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
salebrana Mann, 1862 (Conchylis), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 6: 395. TL: Turkey, Kleinasien [Turkey] (Brussa). Lectotype: NHMV. female.
millierana Peyerimhoff, 1877 (Cochylis), Pet. Nouv. Ent 2 (1876-1879): 101. TL: France. Cannes. Holotype: MNHN. male.
sannitica Trematerra, 1995 (Cochylis), Redia 78: 131. TL: Italy, "Molise, Fossalto, Campobasso". Holotype: TREMC. male.
securifera Razowski & Becker, 1983 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 26: 434 TL: Brazil, "Paran, Banhado, Quatro Barras". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
serrana Razowski & Becker, 2007 (Cochylis), Acta Zool. Cracov. 50B: 113. TL: Brazil, "Minas Gerais, Serra do Cipo". Holotype: VBC. male.
sierramaestrae Razowski & Becker, 2007 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 35: 76. TL: Cuba, "Santiago, Sierra Maestra P. Cuba". Holotype: VBC. male.
similana Razowski, 1963 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 274 TL: Iran, "Barfkhaneh, near Yezd". Holotype: LNK. male.
telephora Razowski & Becker, 1994 (Cochylis), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 22: 40. TL: Brazil, "Minas Gerais, Una". Holotype: MNRJ. male.
temerana Busck, 1907 (Phalonia), J. New York ent. Soc. 15: 28. TL: USA, "Pennsylvania, Oak Station". Holotype: USNM. male. 
cincinnatana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 78. TL: USA. "Ohio, Cincinnati". Lectotype: AMNH. female.
tephrodrypta Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 282. TL: Mexico, "Sonora, 44 mi NW Caborra". Holotype: EME. female.
torva Razowski & Becker, 1983 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 26: 436 TL: Brazil, "Paran,Banhado, Quatro Barras". Holotype: MNRJ. female.
transversana Walsingham, 1879 (Cochylis), Illust. typical Specimens Lepid. Heterocera Colln. Br. Mus 4: 28. TL: USA, "California, Shasta Co., Pitt River". Lectotype: BMNH. female.
triangula Sun & Li, 2013 (Cochylis), ZooKeys 258: 92. TL: China, "Guizhou Province, Guocun Village, Daozhen County". Holotype: NUTC. male.
typhilinea Razowski, 1984 (Cochylis), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 32: 282. TL: Mexico, "Veracruz, Cordoba". Holotype: EME. female.
virilia Pogue, 2001 (Rolandylis), Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 103: 792. TL: USA, "Maine, Millinocket". Holotype: USNM. male.
viscana Kearfott, 1907 (Phalonia), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 84. TL: USA, New Jersey. Holotype: AMNH. male.
peganitis Meyrick, 1912 (Phalonia), Ent. mon. Mag. 48: 35 no type
yinyangana "Metzler, in Metzler & Forbes", 2012 (Cochylis), Zootaxa 3444: 56. TL: USA, "New Mexico, Otero Co., White Sands National Monument". Holotype: USNM. male.