acriapex Razowski, 1967 (Stenodes), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 101. TL: Afghanistan, Panjao. Holotype: LNK. male.
additana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 242. TL: Algeria, Algeria (Lambse). Syntypes: MNHU. 2 males.
africana Aarvik, 2010 (Cochylimorpha), Norw. J. Ent. 57: 85. TL: Tanzania, "Iringa Reg., Mufindi Distr., Kigogo Forest". Holotype: NHMO. male.
agenjoi Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci.Sr. Sci. Biol 11: 137. TL: Spain, Madrid. Holotype: MNCNM. male.
alternana Curtis, 1831 (Orthotaenia), Br. Ent. 6: folio 364. TL: United Kingdom, England [United Kingdom]. Syntype(s): DEMV. unknown.
cinnamomella Turati & Kruger, 1936 (Euxanthis), Mem. Soc. ent. Ital. 15: 75. TL: Italy. Scleidima. Neotype: KLC. female.
gigantana Doubleday, 1850 (Cochylis), Synon. List Br. Lepid. : 27. no type
moscovana Kennel, 1913 (Euxanthis), Palaear. Tortr. : 315. TL: Russia. Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
alticolana Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 341 TL: Tibet, "Batang, Tal des Yangtse". Holotype: MGAB. male.
amabilis "Meyrick, in Caradja", 1931 (Euxanthis), Bull. Sect. scient. Acad. roum 14: 62. TL: China, Kwanhsien Province. Holotype: BMNH. male.
arenosana Kuznetzov Jalava & Kullberg, 1998 (Cochylimorpha), Ent. Fennica 9: 199. TL: Russia, "Tuva Rep, Lake Tere-Khol". Holotype: ZMH. male.
armeniana Joannis, 1891 (Euxanthis), Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1891: 83. TL: Turkey, Kayseri. Lectotype: MNHN. male.
asiana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 18. TL: Central Asia, Central Asia (Namangan). Holotype: MNHU. female.
mirabilana Turati, 1934 (Euxanthis), Atti Soc. ital. Sci. Nat. 73: 195. TL: Libya. Cirenaica [Libya] (Gerdes and Mechili). Neotype: KLC. female.
taganrogana Kennel, 1900 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13: 132. TL: Russia. Taganrog. Lectotype: ZISP. male.
bipunctata Bai Guo & Guo, 1996 (Stenodes), Acta ent. sin. 39: 192 TL: China, "Shanxi Province, Mt. Wutai". Holotype: IZAS. male.
blandana Eversmann, 1844 (Tortrix), Fauna Lepid. Volgo-Ural. : 492. TL: Russia, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
punctulatana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 38. TL: Lebanon. Holotype: MNHU. unknown.
brandti Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 261 TL: Iran, "Khorassan, Kouh-i-Binaloud". Holotype: LNK. male.
cataracta Aarvik, 2004 (Eugnosta), Esperiana Memoir 1: 190. TL: Namibia, "Brandberg, Am Kngstein". Holotype: NMNW. male.
centralasiae Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 343 TL: Central Asia, Central Asia (Alaigebirge). Holotype: MGAB. male.
chionella Schawerda, 1924 (Conchylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien "73: 163, figure 23." TL: Iraq, "Irak, Mosul". Syntype(s): Unknown. female.
clathrana Staudinger, 1871 (Conchylis), Berl. Ent. Z. 14(1870): 278. TL: Russia, "Volgo-grad Region, Sarepta". Holotype: MNHU. unknown.
clathratana Staudinger, 1880 (Cochylis), Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 15(1879): 240. TL: Russia, Urals. Lectotype: MNHU. male.
coloratana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 16. TL: Russia, Siberia (Saisan). Holotype: MNHU. female.
conankinensis Ge, 1992 (Stenodes), Sinozoologia 9: 303. TL: China, "Sichuan Province, Qingcheng Mt.". Holotype: IZAS. male.
cultana Lederer, 1855 (Cochylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 5: 118. TL: Russia, Altai. Holotype: MNHU. male.
aedeamana Razowski, 1961 (Conchylis), Polskie Pismo Ent. 31: 307. no type
aedemana Razowski, 1961 (Conchylis), Polskie Pismo Ent. 31: 306. no type
albidana Caradja, 1916 (Euxanthis hilarana var.), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 30: 55. TL: Russia. Uralsk. Lectotype: MGAB. male.
assalana Chretien, 1915 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 84: 299. TL: Tunisia. "North Africa (Tunisia, Gafsa)". Holotype: MNHN. male.
bigenerana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13 (1900): 241. TL: Spain. "Murcia, Algezares". Lectotype: MNHU. male.
extensana Staudinger, 1859 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 20: 229. TL: Spain. Holotype: MNHU. female.
lambessana Baker, 1888 (Conchylis), Ent. mon. Mag. 24: 254. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
oedemana Constant, 1894 (Cochylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 62(1993): 402. TL: France. Alpes Maritimes. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
pontana Staudinger, 1859 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 20: 228. TL: Spain. Holotype: MNHU. unknown.
symmerista "Meyrick, in Caradja & Meyrick", 1935 (Euxanthis), Mat. Microlepid. Fauna Chin. Prov. : 47. TL: China. "Hunan Province, Hoeng-shan". Lectotype: MGAB. male.
cuspidata Ge, 1992 (Stenodes), Sinozoologia 9: 306. TL: China, "Shanxi Province, Yangling". Holotype: IZAS. male.
declivana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 243. TL: Russia, "Amur, Pom-pejewka". Holotype: MNHU. male.
decolorella Zeller, 1839 (Anarsia), Isis von Oken (Leipzig) 1839 (3): 190. TL: Italy, Holotype: Unknown. male.
chamomilana Herrich-Schaffer, 1850 (uninomial), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. "4: pl. 53, fig. 377." no type
chamomillana Herrich-Schaffer, 1851 (Tortrix (Cochylis)), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. 4: 183 TL: Corsica. Corsica (France). Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
decolorana Razowski, 1991 (Cochylis), Acta zool. cracov. 34: 106 no type
pentactinana Mann, 1855 (Cochylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 5: 554. TL: Corsica. Corsica (France). Holotype: NHMV. male.
despectana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 30. TL: Central Asia, Central Asia (Altai). Holotype: ZSM. male.
uncinatana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 237. TL: Central Asia. "Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Margellan)". Holotype: MNHU. male.
diana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 13. TL: Turkey, Kleinasien [Turkey] (Maraseli). Lectotype: MNHU. male.
iraniana Razowski, 1963 (Euxanthoides), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 268 TL: Iran. "Fars, Chiraz-Kazeroun, Fort Sine Sefid". Holotype: LNK. male.
discolorana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 16. TL: Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan (Transalai). Lectotype: MNHU. male.
dichroina "Danilevsky, in Danilevsky, Kuznetzov & Falkovitsh", 1962 (Euxanthis), Trud. Inst. Zool. Alma Ata 18: 85. TL: Khazakhstan. Daghestan. Holotype: ZISP. unknown.
sarobica Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 344 no type
discopunctana Eversmann, 1844 (Cochylis), Fauna Lepid. Volgo-Ural. : 528. TL: Russia, Kasan-Distrikt. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
coagulana Christoph, 1872 (Conchylis), Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 9: 11. TL: Russia. Sarepta. Lectotype: ZISP. male.
incretana Lederer, 1857 (Cochylis), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 1: 83. TL: Russia. Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
punctiferana Ragonot, 1881 (Cochylis), Ent. mon. Mag. 17: 232. TL: Portugal. Braganza. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
eberti Razowski, 1967 (Stenodes), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 99. TL: Afghanistan, Panjao. Holotype: LNK. male.
eburneana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 31. TL: Malt, Lectotype: MNHU. male.
elegans Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 264 TL: Iran, "Khorassan, Kouh-i-Binaloud". Holotype: LNK. male.
elongana Fischer von Roslerstamm, 1839 (Cochylis), Abbild. Berich. Ergnz Schmett.-Kunde 1: 133 TL: Poland, Schlesien [Poland] (Glogau). Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
favillana Staudinger, 1859 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 20: 230. TL: Spain. Holotype: MNHU. female.
impurana Mann, 1855 (Cochylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 5: 553. TL: Yugoslavia. Holotype: NHMV. female.
tetricana Mann, 1864 (Conchylis), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 8: 183. TL: Russia. Bussa. Holotype: NHMV. unknown.
emiliana Kennel, 1919 (Euxanthis), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8: 71. TL: Russia, "Siberia, East Tannuola". Holotype: MNHU. male.
erlebachi Huemer & Trematerra, 1997 (Cochylimorpha), Boll. Zool. agr. Bachic. 29: 46. TL: Italy, "Verona Province, Monte". Holotype: TLMF. male.
exoterica Meyrick, 1924 (Euxanthis), Ark. Zool. 16 (14): 2. TL: Rwanda, Birunga [Rwanda] (Karissimbi). Holotype: Unknown. unknown.
flaveola Falkovitsh, 1963 (Stenodes), Zool. Zhurn. Moskva 42: 700 TL: Kazakhstan, Syntype(s): ZISP. unknown.
fluens Razowski, 1970 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 156. TL: Afghanistan, Polichomri. Holotype: NHMV. female.
fucatana Snellen, 1883 (Conchylis), Tijdschr. Ent. 26: 196. TL: Russia, "Amur Region, Anosowa". Syntype: NCB. 1 male.
fucosa Razowski, 1970 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 151. TL: Iran, "Derbend, 25 km N Tehran". Holotype: NHMV. male.
fuscimacula Falkovitsh, 1963 (Stenodes), Zool. Zhurn. Moskva 42: 698 TL: Turkey, Holotype: ZISP. male.
gracilens Ge, 1992 (Stenodes), Sinozoologia 9: 304. TL: China, "Sichuan Province, Qingeheng Mt.". Holotype: IZAS. male.
halophilana Christoph, 1872 (Conchylis), Horae ent. Soc. Ross. 9: 10. TL: Russia, "Volgograd Region, Sarepta". Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
adriatica Huemer, 2000 (Cochylimorpha halophilana ssp.), Gortan. Mus. Friulano Storia Nat 22: 284. TL: Italy. Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Holotype: MFSN. male.
clavana Constant, 1888 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 8: 164. TL: France. Alpes Maritimes. Syntypes: MNHN. "male, female".
hapala Diakonoff, 1984 (Stenodes), Zool. Meded 58: 263. TL: Borneo, "East Borneo (Balikpapan, Mentawir River)". Holotype: NCB. male.
hedemanniana Snellen, 1883 (Conchylis), Tijdschr. Ent. 26: 192. TL: Russia, "Amur, Blagoveschenk". Lectotype: ZISP. unknown.
rectifascia Filipjev, 1924 (Euxanthis), Jahrb. Martijanova Staatsmus. Minussinsk 2 (3): 53. TL: Russia. Minsk. Holotype: ZISP. male.
hilarana Herrich-Schaffer, 1851 (Tortrix (Cochylis)), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. 4: 185 TL: Germany, Bayern. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
dilutana Caradja, 1916 (Euxanthis hilarana var.), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 30: 55. TL: Turkey. Anatolia [Turkey] (Ak-Chehir). Lectotype: MGAB. male.
hilarana Herrich-Schaffer, 1847 (uninomial), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. "4: pl. 14, fig. 92." no type
rheticana de la Harpe, 1864 (Conchylis), Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 1864: 184. TL: Switzerland. "Upper Engadine, Val Roseg". Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
ignicolorana "Junnilainen & Nupponen, in Nupponen, Junnilainen, Nupponen & Olschwag", 2001 (Cochylimorpha), Ent. Fennica 12: 99. TL: Russia, "southern Urals, Orenburg oblast, Donskoje village, 6 km W Mount Verbljushka". Holotype: ZMH. male.
innotatana Warren, 1888 (Xanthosetia), Proc. zool. Soc. London 1888: 337. TL: India, West India (Kala Pani). Holotype: BMNH. female.
irmhildae Blackstein, 2011 (Cochylimorpha), Nota Lepid. 33: 40. TL: [Republic of Tajikistan], "Tadschikistan, Gissargebirge, PaB Ansob". Holotype: MNHU. male.
isocornutana Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 344 TL: China, "Yunnan Province, Likiang". Holotype: MGAB. male.
jaculana Snellen, 1883 (Conchylis), Tijdschr. Ent. 26: 195. TL: Russia, "Siberia, Primorsky Krai, Suifun". Syntype: NCB. male.
jucundana Treitschke, 1835 (Cochylis), Schmett. Eur. 10: 142. TL: Hungary, Lectotype: TMB. female.
kenneli Razowski, 1967 (Stenodes), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 101. no type
meridiolana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 239. TL: Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan (Margellan). Lectotype: MNHN. male.
kohibabae Razowski, 2005 (Cochylimorpha), Polskie Pismo Entomol. 74: 432. TL: Afghanistan, "Koh-i-Baba, S Seite, Shah-tu Pass". Holotype: ISEZ. male.
kurdistana Amsel, 1959 (Euxanthis), Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 43: 57. TL: Iraq, Hajji Omran. Holotype: LNK. male.
lagara Diakonoff, 1983 (Stenodes), Fauna Saudi Arabia 5: 240. TL: Saudi Arabia, Araida. Holotype: RAWRC. male.
langeana Kalchberg, 1898 (Conchylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 10(1897): 188. TL: Syria, Haifa. Syntype(s): NHMV. unknown.
anticiphas Razowski, "1963," (Euxanthoides), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 268 no type
anticyphas Meyrick, 1936 (Euxanthis), Exotic Microlepid. 5: 23. TL: Syria. Brummana. Holotype: BMNH. female.
hannemanni Razowski, 1961 (Euxanthoides), Polskie Pismo Ent. 31: 310. TL: Palestine. Jordan. Holotype: MNHU. male.
lungtangensis Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 342 TL: China, "Kiangsu Province, Lungtang, near Nanking". Holotype: MGAB. male.
maleropa Meyrick in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 51: 172. TL: China, "Yunnan Province, Likiang". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
meridiana Staudinger, 1859 (Cochylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 20: 230. TL: Spain, "Andalusia, Chiclana". Lectotype: MNHU. male.
claviculana Mann, 1861 (Conchylis), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 5: 185. TL: Turkey. Amasia. Holotype: NHMV. male.
frauenfeldi Mann, 1871 (Conchylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 21: 80. TL: Russia. Urals. Holotype: NHMV. male.
naeviferana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 36. TL: Russia. Caucasus. Lectotype: MNHU. male.
priscillana Kennel, 1919 (Euxanthis), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8: 69. TL: [Russia]T. "Central Asia [Russia] Dscharkent, Ili-Gebiet". Holotype: ZSM. male.
meridiolana Ragonot, 1894 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 63: 196. TL: Turkestan, Transkaspien [Turkestan] (Tura). Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
ochrostriana Kennel, 1899 (Cochylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 35. TL: [Russia]. "Central Asia [Russia] Turkestan, Ferghana". Holotype: MNHU. male.
mongolicana Ragonot, 1894 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 63: 196. TL: Turkestan, "Transcaspien [Turkestan] (Tura, Touran)". Lectotype: MNHN. male.
monstrabilis Razowski, 1970 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 145. TL: Mongolia, "Dornod Province, Cojbalsan, 15 km N Somon Galuut". Holotype: MGAB. male.
montana Razowski, 1967 (Stenodes), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 99. TL: Afghanistan, "Kinch-e-Andarab, Pamir Mountains". Holotype: LNK. male.
moriutii Kawabe, 1987 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Thailand 1: 72. TL: Thailand, "Chiang Mai, Doi Pui". Holotype: OPU. male.
namibiana Aarvik, 2004 (Eugnosta), Esperiana Memoir 1: 191. TL: Namibia, "Brandberg, Am Kngstein". Holotype: NMNW. male.
nankinensis Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 9: 346 TL: China, "Kiangsu Province, Lungtan, near Nanking". Holotype: MGAB. male.
nipponana Razowski, 1977 (Stenodes), Ty to Ga 28: 35. TL: Japan, "Sikoku, Kochi Prefecture, Asizuri-Saki". Holotype: USNM. male. 
nodulana Moschler, 1862 (Sciaphila), Wien. ent. Monatschr. 6: 140. TL: Russia, "Volgograd Region, Sarepta". Holotype: Unknown. male.
nomadana Erschoff, 1874 (Conchylis), Lepid. Turkestan : 93. TL: Turkestan, Marecanda. Lectotype: ZISP. male.
nuristana Razowski, 1967 (Stenodes), Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. SdwDtl. 26: 101. TL: Afghanistan, Panjao. Holotype: LNK. male.
obliquana Eversmann, 1844 (Cochylis), Fauna Lepid. Volgo-Ural. : 528. TL: Russia, Urals. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
coenosana Mann, 1867 (Conchylis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 17: 848. TL: Hungary. Syntype(s): NHMV. unknown.
perfusana Guenee, 1845 (Argyrolepia), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 3: 301. TL: Austria, Alps. Holotype: BMNH. female.
callosana Herrich-Schaffer, 1851 (Tortrix (Cochylis)), Syst. Bearbeitung Schmett. Eur. 4: 183. TL: Austria. Holotype: ZSM. male.
dorsimaculana Preissecker, 1908 (Euxanthis), Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 58: 70. TL: Austria. Lectotype: NHMV. male.
perturbatana Kennel, 1900 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13: 134. TL: Russia, "S Ural, Guberli". Lectotype: ZISP. male.
herminiana Kennel, 1919 (Euxanthis), Mitt. mnch. ent. Ges. 8: 70. TL: [Russia]. "Central Asia [Russia] Usgent, Dscharkent, Ili-Gebiet". Lectotype: ZSM. male.
peucedana Ragonot, 1889 (Cochylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (6) 9: CV. TL: France, Carcassonne. Holotype: MNHN. male.
austriacana Razowski, 1964 (Stenodes), Ann. Zool. 22: 368. no type
austriana Caradja, 1916 (Conchylis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 30: 53. no type
austrinana Chretien, 1902 (Conchylis), Naturaliste (2) 24: 258. TL: Spain. San Ildefonso. Lectotype: MNHN. male.
corsicana Walsingham, 1898 (Phalonia), Ent. mon. Mag. 34: 169. TL: Corsica. "Corsica, Cort (France)". Holotype: BMNH. male.
florana Chretien, 1905 (Conchylis austrinana var.), Naturaliste (2) 27: 130. TL: France. Basses-Alpes. Lectotype: MNHN. female.
peusedanana Brown, 2005 (Cochylimorpha), World Catalogue of Insects 5: xxx.
toreumatana Turati, 1913 (Conchylis), Atti Soc. ital. Sci. Nat. 51 (1912): 358. TL: Italy. Sardinia. Syntypes: Unknown. 4 males.
pirizanica Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 265 TL: Iran, Pir-i-Zan. Holotype: LNK. male.
psalmophanes Meyrick, 1925 (Euxanthis), Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9: 208. TL: Egypt, Egypt (Wadi Um Elek). Syntype(s): BMNH. unknown.
pseudoalternana Chambon & Khous, 1993 (Stenodes), Nouv. Rev. Ent. (N.S.) 10: 224. TL: Algeria, Algeria (fort de Tikjda). Holotype: INRA. male.
pyramidana Staudinger, 1871 (Conchylis), Berl. Ent. Z. 14(1870): 280. TL: Russia, "Volgo-grad Region, Sarepta". Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
pallens Kuznetzov, 1966 (Stenodes (Stenodes)), Trud. Zool. Inst. Leningrad 37: 202. TL: Russia. "Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Okeanskaja". Holotype: ZISP. male.
razowskiana Kuznetzov, 2005 (Cochylimorpha), Zoosystematica Rossica 14(1) 2005: 178. no type
razowskiana Kuznetzov, 2005 (Cochylimorpha), Zoosystematica Rossica 14(1): 178. no type
salinarida Groenen & Larsen, 2003 (Cochylimorpha), Phegea 31: 11. TL: Spain, "Espaa-Alicante, La Marina, Platje el Pinet". Holotype: ZMA. male.
santolinana Staudinger, 1871 (Conchylis), Berl. Ent. Z. 14(1870): 279. TL: Spain, Lectotype: MNHU. male.
scoptes Razowski, 1984 (Stenodes), Ann. Zool. 38: 244. TL: India, "Kashmir, Umg. Srinagar". Holotype: EICHC. female.
scrophulana Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 265 TL: Iran, Pir-i-Zan. Holotype: LNK. male.
simplicis Bai Guo & Guo, 1996 (Stenodes), Acta ent. sin. 39: 192 TL: China, "Shanxi Province, Mt. Wutai". Holotype: IZAS. male.
simulata Razowski, 1970 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 144. TL: Iran, Schahkuh. Holotype: BMNH. male.
sparsana Staudinger, 1880 (Cochylis), Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 15(1879): 239. TL: Turkey, "Kleinasien [Turkey] (Amasia, Jenikeui, Hochebene)". Holotype: MNHN. male.
stataria Razowski, 1970 (Stenodes), Microlepid. Palaearctica 3: 152. TL: Afghanistan, Band-i-Amir. Holotype: NHMV. male.
straminea Haworth, 1811 (Tortrix), Lepid. Br. (3): 401. TL: United Kingdom, England [United Kingdom]. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
glaisana Lucas, 1942 (Phalonia), Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 47: 124. TL: Tunisia. Midda. Holotype: MNHN. female.
lentiginosana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 238. TL: Spain. Lectotype: MNHU. male.
numidana Turati, 1924 (Euxanthis), Atti Soc. ital. Sci. Nat. 63: 156. TL: Libya. Cirenaica [Libya] (Bengas). Neotype: KLC. female.
pallens Lucas, 1954 (Euxanthis), Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. phys. Maroc 34: 38. TL: Morocco. Holotype: MNHN. unknown.
ramessana Rebel, 1912 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 26: 85. TL: Egypt. Egypt. Lectotype: NHMV. male.
scabiosana Kennel, 1901 (Euxanthis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 238. TL: Tunisia. Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
stramineana Haworth, 1828 (Tortrix), Lepid. Br. (4): 608. no type
substraminea Ragonot, 1895 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 64 (Bulletin): CIII. TL: France. Syntypes: MNHN. 2 males.
sudana "Duponchel, in Godart", 1836 (Cochylis), Hist. nat. Lpid. Papillons Fr. 9: 571. TL: France. Paris. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
tischerana Treischke, 1830 (Cochylis), Schmett. Eur. 8: 275. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
translucidana Turati, 1934 (Euxanthis), Atti Soc. ital. Sci. Nat. 73: 194. TL: Libya. "Cirenaica [Libya] (Mechili) (Soborg, Denmark)". Neotype: KLC. female.
wiatkensis Krulikowsky, 1908 (Euxanthis straminea ab.), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 21: 257. TL: Russia. Western Kasan. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
subnomadana Sun & Li, 2013 (Cochylimorpha), Ent. Fennica 24: 195. TL: China, "Ningxia Autonomous Region, Qiuqianjia Forest Farm, Mt. Liupan". Holotype: NKUM. male.
subwoliniana "Danilevsky, in Danilevsky, Kuznetzov & Falkovitsh", 1962 (Euxanthis), Trud. Inst. Zool. Alma Ata 18: 112. TL: Central Asia, Central Asia. Holotype: ZISP. male.
tamerlana Ragonot, 1894 (Conchylis), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. 63: 196. TL: Turkestan, Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
thomasi Karisch, 2003 (Cochylimorpha), Naturw. Beitr. Mus. Dessau 15: 123. TL: Turkey, "Van, Gzeldere-Pab". Holotype: MNVD. male.
tiraculana Bassi & Scaramozzino, 1989 (Stenodes), Rivista Piemont. Stor. Nat. 10: 161. TL: Italy, Holotype: MRSN. male.
triangulifera Kuznetzov, 1966 (Stenodes), Trud. Zool. Inst. Leningrad 37: 201. TL: Russia, Ussuri. Holotype: ZISP. male.
wiltshirei Razowski, 1963 (Stenodes), Acta zool. cracov. 8: 261 TL: Iran, Qulikush. Holotype: LNK. male.
woliniana Schleich, 1868 (Conchylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 29: 289. TL: Russia, "Volgograd Regions, Sarepta". Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
lorana Fuchs, 1897 (Conchylis), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 58 326. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
luteola Kuznetzov, 1975 (Stenodes woliniana ssp.), Nasekhomye Mongolii 6 (3): 411. TL: Mongolia. East-[Dornogovi] Province).Govi. Holotype: ZISP. male.
yangtseana Razowski, 2006 (Cochylimorpha), Nota Lepid. 29: 121. TL: Tibet, "Batang, Im Tal des Yangtse". Holotype: MGAB. male.