adumbratanus Walsingham, 1900 (Archips), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)5: 382 TL: Japan, Holotype: BMNH. male.
teshionis Matsumura, 1931 (Cacoecia), 6000 Illust. Insects Japan-Empire : 1066 TL: Japan. "Hokkaido, Teshio". Holotype: EIHU. male.
africana Razowski, 2002 (Choristoneura), Acta zool. cracov. 45: 198 TL: Cameroon, "Cameroon (Mt. Cameroon, Buea)". Holotype: MRSN. male.
africana Razowski, 2002 (Choristoneura), Acta zool. cracov. 45: 347 no type
albaniana Walker, 1863 (Teras), List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 28: 288. TL: Canada, "Ontario, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls". Holotype: BMNH. male.
albariana Barrett, 1887 (Pandemis), Ent. mon. Mag. 24: 35. no type
arcticana Moschler, 1874 (Tortrix), Stettin. ent. Ztg. 35: 164. TL: Canada. Labrador. Holotype: MNHU. female.
kukakana Kearfott, 1907 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 70. TL: USA. "Alaska, Kukak Bay". Syntype(s): AMNH. unknown.
lapponana Tengstrom, 1869 (Tortrix), Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. Frh. 10: 359 TL: Sweden. Lappland [Sweden]. Syntype(s): ZMH. unknown.
argentifasciata Heppner, 1989 (Choristoneura), Fla. Ent. 72: 104. TL: USA, "Florida, Glades Co., Fisheating Creek, Palmdale". Holotype: USNM. male.
biennis Freeman, 1967 (Choristoneura), Can. Ent. 99: 451. TL: Canada, "Monashee Summit, 8 mi S Cherryville". Holotype: CNC. male.
bracatana "Rebel, in Rebel & Rogenhofer", 1894 (Pandemis), Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus 9: 82. TL: Canary Islands, "Canary Islands (Tenerife, Monte de Agua Garcia)". Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
carnana Barnes & Busck, 1920 (Tortrix), Contrib. Nat. Hist. Lepid. N. Am 4: 214. TL: USA, "California, San Bernardino Mountains, Camp Baldy.". Holotype: USNM. male. 
californica Powell, 1964 (Choristoneura carnana ssp.), Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent. 32: 179. TL: USA. "California, Lake Co., Anderson Springs". Holotype: CAS. male.
chapana Razowski, 2008 (Choristoneura), Polskie Pismo Entomol. 77: 234. TL: North Vietnam, Fan Si Pan Mtns.. Holotype: MNHU. male.
colyma Razowski, 2006 (Coristoneura), Acta Zool. Cracov. 49B: 123. TL: India, "Jammu and Kashmir (Indien J & K, Kaschmir, Sonamarg)". Holotype: ISEZ. male.
conflictana Walker, 1863 (Tortrix), List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 28: 323. TL: Canada, "Ontario, Albany River, St. Martin's Falls". Syntypes: BMNH. "male, female".
deuteros Razowski, 2014 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42: 452. TL: Kenya, Kakamega Forest. Holotype: RMCA. male.
diversana Hubner, [1814-1817] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. "7.: pl. 40, fig. 251." TL: Europe, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
alfredana Duponchel, 1846 (Paedisca), Cat. Mth. Lpid. Eur. : 300. TL: Russia. Pri-morski Territory. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
gilvana Eversmann, 1842 (Tortrix), Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 15: 562. TL: Russia. Lectotype: ZISP. male.
transitana Guenee, 1845 (Tortrix), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (2) 3: 138. TL: France. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
viduana Frolich, 1828 (Tortrix), Enum. Tortr. Wrtemberg : 34. TL: Germany. Wrtemburg. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
evanidana Kennel, 1901 (Cacoecia), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 214. TL: Russia, "Far East, Askold Island". Lectotype: MNHU. male.
expansiva Wang & Yang, 2008 (Choristoneura), Zootaxa 1944: 67. TL: China, "Fujian Province, Mt. Wuyi, Sangang". Holotype: NKUM. male.
ferrugininotata Obraztsov, 1968 (Choristoneura), J. New York ent. Soc. 76: 248. TL: India, "Kukti, Northwestern Himalayas". Holotype: BMNH. male.
fractivittana Clemens, 1865 (Lozotaenia), Proc. ent. Soc. Philad. 5: 136. TL: USA, Virginia. Holotype: ANSP. male.
fumosa Robinson, 1869 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 2: 268. TL: USA. Ohio. Lectotype: ANSP. female.
freemani Razowski, 2008 (Choristoneura), Polskie Pismo Entomol. 77: 246.
occidentalis Freeman, 1967 (Choristoneura), Can. Ent. 99: 451. TL: USA. "Washington, Klickitat Co., Yakima Indian Reserve". Holotype: CNC. male.
fumiferana Clemens, 1865 (Tortrix), Proc. ent. Soc. Philad. 5: 139. TL: USA, Virginia. Holotype: ANSP. male.
nigrida Beutenmuller, 1892 (Tortrix), Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 4: 64. no type
nigridia Robinson, 1869 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 2: 268. TL: USA. "Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
gerstbergeri Blackstein, 2014 (Choristoneura), Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 5: 172. TL: Tunisia, 40 km W Jendeuba. Holotype: ZMUC. male.
griseicoma Meyrick, 1924 (Tortrix), Exotic Microlepid. 3: 115. TL: India, "Kashmir, Srinagar". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
hebenstreitella Muller, 1764 (Phalaena Tinea), Fauna Insect. Friedrichsd. : 58. TL: Germany, Friedrichsdal. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
pyrana Villers, 1789 (Phalaena Tortrix), C. Linnaei Ent. Faun. Suec. descr. 2: 416. TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
sorbiana Hubner, [1796-1799] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. 7: pl. 18fig. 113. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
umbratilis "Geoffroy, in Fourcroy", 1785 (Phalaena), Ent. Paris. 2: 304. TL: France. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
heliaspis Meyrick, 1909 (Cacoecia), Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 5: 349. TL: South Africa, Natal. Holotype: SAMC. unknown.
heliastis Pinhey, 1975 (Cacoecia), Moths South Africa : 37. no type
holovera Razowski, 2014 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42: 453. TL: Kenya, "Kakamega Forest, UDO Camp". Holotype: RMCA. male.
improvisana Kuznetzov, 1973 (Argyrotaenia), Trud Vses. Entomol. Obshch. 56: 153. TL: Russia, "Primorsky Krai, South Sikhote-Alin'". Holotype: ZISP. male.
irina Dubatolov & Syachina, 2007 (Choristoneura), Zhivotnyi Mir Dalnego Vostoka 6: 71. TL: Russia, "Khabarovskii krai, Great Khekhtsyr Nature Reserve, Bychikha". Holotype: SMIASE. male.
irina "Syachina & Budashkin, in Dubatolov, Syachina & Budashkin", 2007 (Choristoneura), Animal World of Far East (Blagoveshchensk) 6: 71. TL: Russia, "Khabarovskii krai, Great Khekhtsyr Nature Reserve, Bychikha". Holotype: SMIASE. male.
jecorana Kennel, 1899 (Tortrix Pandemis), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 4. TL: Iran, Schahrud. Holotype: MNHU. female.
jezoensis Yasuda & Suzuki, 1987 (Choristoneura), Konty 55: 232. TL: Japan, "Hokkaido, Asahigawa [Asahikawa]". Holotype: OPU. male.
lafauryana Ragonot, 1875 (Tortrix), Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (Bulletin) (5) 5 LXXII. TL: France, Dax. Syntype(s): MNHN. unknown.
inornatanus Walsingham, 1900 (Archips), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)6: 442 TL: Korea. Gensan. Holotype: BMNH. male.
lafauriana Kennel, 1910 (Cacoecia), Palaear. Tortr. : 135. no type
laufauriana "Kennel, in Spuler", 1910 (Cacoecia), Schmett. Eur. :248. no type
lambertiana Busck, 1915 (Tortrix), Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 17: 86. TL: USA, "Oregon, Jackson Co., Ashland". Holotype: USNM. male. 
lambertianae Keen, 1952 (Tortrix), U.S. Dept. Agric. For. Serv. Bimonth : 80. no type
ponderosana Obraztsov, 1962 (Choristoneura lambertiana ssp.), Am. Mus. Novit. 2101: 14 TL: USA. "Colorado, Sugar Loaf". Holotype: USNM. male.
subretiniana Obraztsov, 1962 (Choristoneura lambertiana ssp.), Am. Mus. Novit. 2101: 9. TL: USA. "California, Tulare Co., Monachee". Holotype: USNM. male.
longicellanus Walsingham, 1900 (Archips), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7)5: 378 TL: Japan, "Honshu, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama". Holotype: BMNH. male.
disparana Kennel, 1901 (Cacoecia), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 13(1900): 216. TL: Russia. "Far East, Primorsky Krai, Sutschan [Suchan]". Syntype(s): MNHU. unknown.
luticostana Christoph, 1888 (Tortrix), Horae Soc. ent. Ross. 22: 311. TL: Russia, "Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
gigantana Kennel, 1900 (Tortrix), Dt. ent. Z. Iris 12: 6. TL: Russia. "Primorsky Krai, Ussuri, Suifun". Holotype: MNHU. female.
metasequoiacola Liu, 1983 (Choristoneura), Entomotaxonomia 5 (4): 290. TL: China, "Hubei Province, Lichuan Xian". Holotype: IZAS. male.
murinana Hubner, [1796-1799] (Tortrix), Samml. Eur. Schmett. 7: pl. 17fig. 105. TL: Europe, Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
besseri Nowicki, 1860 (Tortrix), Enum. Lepid. Haliciae Orient. : 125. TL: Ukraine. "Ukraine (Stupnica, near Drohobycz)". Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
caprimulgana Koch, 1859 (Tortrix), VerNachr. Bohm. Forst-Jagd- u. Naturk. 33: 55. TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
histrionana Ratzeburg, 1868 (Tortrix), Waldverd 2: 13. TL: Europe. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
immaculana Wachtl, 1882 (Tortrix murinana var.), Mitt. Forstl. Vers. st 9: 15. TL: Austria. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
neurophaea Meyrick, 1932 (Tortrix), Exotic Microlepid. 4: 341. TL: India, "Kashmir, Killanmarg". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
nowakiana Razowski, 2014 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42: 453. TL: [Democratic Republic of the Congo], "Congo Belge, P.N.A., Secteur Nord, Bumal village pr?s Mutwanga". Holotype: RMCA. male.
obsoletana Walker, 1863 (Tortrix), List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 28: 288. TL: North America, North America (Atlantic States). Holotype: BMNH. male.
sanbornana Robinson, 1869 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 2: 265. TL: USA. Texas/Florida. Syntype(s): ANSP. unknown.
seminolana Kearfott, 1907 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 33: 71. TL: USA. Florida. Lectotype: AMNH. male.
transiturana Walker, 1863 (Cacoecia), List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 28: 312. Syntypes: BMNH. "male, female".
vesperana Clemens, 1865 (Lozotaenia), Proc. ent. Soc. Philad. 5: 136. TL: USA. Virginia. Lectotype: ANSP. male.
occidentalis Walsingham, 1891 (Cacoecia), Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1891: 64. TL: Gambia, Gambia (Bathurst). Syntypes: BMNH. "male, female".
oluduana Razowski, 2014 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42: 452. TL: Nigeria, "Oludu C.R., SE State". Holotype: RMCA. male.
orae Freeman, 1967 (Choristoneura), Can. Ent. 99: 452. TL: Canada, "British Columbia, Kitimat". Holotype: CNC. male.
palladinoi Razowski & Trematerra, 2010 (Choristoneura), J. Entomol. Acarol. Res. (Ser. II) 42: 53. TL: Ethiopia, "Bale Mountains, Harenna Forest". Holotype: TREMC. male.
parallela Robinson, 1869 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 2: 267. TL: USA, "New York, Putman Co.". Lectotype: AMNH. male.
pinus Freeman, 1953 (Choristoneura), Can. Ent. 85: 122. TL: Canada, "Manitoba, Beausejour". Holotype: CNC. male.
maritima Freeman, 1967 (Choristoneura pinus ssp.), Can. Ent. 99: 455. TL: USA. "Pennsylvania, Blain". Holotype: CNC. male.
propensa Razowski, 1992 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 20: 21. TL: Afghanistan, 25 km N Baarikot. Holotype: NHMV. male.
prostheca Razowski, 2014 (Choristoneura), SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42: 454. TL: Kenya, Kakamega Forest. Holotype: RMCA. female.
psoricodes Meyrick, 1911 (Tortrix), Ann. Transvaal Mus. 2: 223. TL: South Africa, "Transvaal, Haenertsburg". Lectotype: BMNH. male.
quadratica Diakonoff, 1955 (Choristoneura), Verff. Zool. Staatsamml. Mnchen 8: 46. TL: Nepal, "Mustangbhot, Ghilinggoan". Holotype: ZSM. male.
retiniana Walsingham, 1879 (Lozotaenia), Illust. typical Specimens Lepid. Heterocera Colln. Br. Mus 4: 12. TL: USA, "California, Siskiyou Co., Mt Shasta". Holotype: BMNH. male.
lindseyana Obraztsov, 1962 (Choristoneura lambertiana ssp.), Am. Mus. Novit. 2101: 16. TL: USA. "California, Modoc Co., Warner Mountains, 3 mi E Davis Creek". Holotype: USNM. male.
viridis Freeman, 1967 (Choristoneura), Can. Ent. 99: 452. TL: USA. "California, Modoc Co., Bidwell Creek". Holotype: CNC. male.
rosaceana Harris, 1841 (Loxotaenia), Rep. Ins. Mass. Injurious Veg. : 348. TL: USA, Massachusetts. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
gossypiana Packard, 1869 (Lozotaenia), Guide Study Ins. : 335. TL: USA. Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
vicariana Walker, 1863 (Teras), List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus 28: 287. TL: North America. Holotype: BMNH. male.
saotome Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2014 (Choristoneura), Polskie Pismo Entomol. 83: 208. TL: Sao Tome and Principe, Macambrara. Holotype: MZUJ. male.
simonyi Rebel, 1892 (Pandemis), Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. 7: 263. TL: Canary Islands, "Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, La Palma)". Holotype: Unknown. unknown.
mactana "Rebel, in Rebel & Rogenhofer", 1896 (Pandemis), Naturhist. Hofmus 11: 116. TL: Canary Islands. Canary Islands (Tenerife). Lectotype: MGAB. male.
persimilana "Rebel, in Rebel & Rogenhofer", 1894 (Pandemis), Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus 9: 82. TL: Canary Islands. Canary Islands (Tenerife). Syntype(s): Unknown. unknown.
spaldingana Obraztsov, 1962 (Choristoneura), Am. Mus. Novit. 2101: 6. TL: USA, "Utah, Provo". Holotype: USNM. male.
thyrsifera Razowski, 1984 (Choristoneura), Acta zool. cracov. 27: 271 TL: China, "Yunnan Province, Likiang". Holotype: ZFMK. male.
zapulata Robinson, 1869 (Tortrix), Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 2: 264. TL: USA, Illinois. Lectotype: AMNH. male.
symphoricarpana Kearfott, 1905 (Tortrix), Can. Ent. 37: 92. TL: Canada. "Alberta, Medicine Hat". Lectotype: AMNH. male.