Your search returned 6 matches.


bisecta Meyrick, 1918 (Eucosma), Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6: 10. TL: South Africa, "Natal, Zulu-land, Eshowe". Holotype: DNMNH. male.

chrysolampra Diakonoff, 1969 (Stenentoma), Tijdschr. Ent. 112: 95. TL: Seychelles, Aldabra Island. Holotype: MNHN. male.

onychosema Diakonoff, 1969 (Stenentoma), Tijdschr. Ent. 112: 96. TL: Seychelles, Aldabra Island. Holotype: MNHN. male.

plectocosma Meyrick, 1921 (Laspeyresia), Ann. Transvaal Mus. 8: 64. TL: Zimbabwe, Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] (Umtali). Holotype: DNMNH. male.

inclyta Meyrick, 1925 (Camptrodoxa), Exotic Microlepid. 3: 144. TL: South Africa. "Natal, Weenen". Holotype: BMNH. female.

sorindeiae Razowski & Brown, 2012 (Stenentoma), Zootaxa 3222: 22. TL: Kenya, "Coast Province, Shimba Hills". Holotype: NMK. male.

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