ANCYLIS Hubner, [1825] 1816, Verz. bekannter Schmett. 376. Type species: "Tortrix harpana Hubner, [1796-1799]". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
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ANCHYLOPERA Stephens, 1829, Nom. Br. Insects 47. Type species: "Pyralis lundana Fabricius, 1776". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
ANCYLOIDES Diakonoff, 1982, Zool. Verh. Leiden 193: 63. Type species: "Ancylis stenampyx Diakonoff, 1982". [preoccupied] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini] [subgenus of Ancylis]
ANCYLOPERA Agassiz, 1848, Nomencl. zool. (Index Univers.) 61. [unjustified emendation of Anchylopera] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
ANTICLEA Stephens, 1834, Illust. Br. Ent. (Haustellata) 4: 113. Type species: Tortrix harpana Hubner [1796-1799]. [preoccupied] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
EPICHARIS Hubner, [1825] 1816, Verz. bekannter Schmett. 376. Type species: "Tortrix derasana Hubner, [1811-1813]". [preoccupied] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
LAMYRODES Meyrick, 1910, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 35: 182. Type species: "Lamyrodes phileris Meyrick, 1910". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
PALAEOBIA Meyrick, 1881, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 6: 660. Type species: "Palaeobia hibbertiana Meyrick, 1881". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
PHILALCEA Stephens, 1835, Illust. Br. Ent. (Haustellata) 4: 396. Type species: Tortrix harpana Hubner [1796-1799]. [replacement name for Anticlea] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
PHOXOPTERIA Walcott, 1923, J. Dep. Agric. P. R. 7: 201. [misspelling of Phoxopteris] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
PHOXOPTERIS Treitschke, 1829, in Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. 7: 232. Type species: "Tortrix siculana Hubner, [1796-1799]". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
PHOXOPTERYX Sodoffsky, 1837, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 1837: 93. [unjustified emendation Phoxopteris] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
SIDEREA Stainton, 1859, Man. Br. Butterflies Moths 2: 196. [misspelling of Sideria] [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]
SIDERIA Guenee, 1845, Annls Soc. ent. Fr (2)3: 156. Type species: "Tortrix achatana [Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775]". [Olethreutinae: Enarmoniini]